How many calories should i eat to lose weight | Want to lose weight

An energy unit used to quantify energy is the calorie. You must consume more calories than you expend in order to acquire weight. On the other hand, you must burn more calories than you consume if you want to reduce your weight. In other words, what is the daily calorie requirement of the body and what is the daily calorie requirement for weight loss?

What is the daily calorie need for weight loss in the body?

Losing weight is crucial for those who are overweight or obese. Losing weight not only makes the body firmer and leaner, but it also lowers the chance of developing serious illnesses like diabetes and heart disease.
Energy is measured in terms of calories. The human body gets its calories from food and beverages. People require an adequate supply of calories in order to function normally. On the other hand, consuming an excessive amount of calories will result in excess, fat storage, overweight, and obesity.
What is the daily calorie need for an individual and what is the recommended calorie reduction for weight loss? This is dependent on a number of variables, including age, height, weight, degree of physical activity, rate at which the body metabolises substances,...
But generally speaking, you have to lose weight in order to lose weight. Consume less food than what your body need to stay at a given weight. What is the daily calorie need for weight loss? In particular, you must reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 more than what your body requires to maintain your current weight in order to lose 0.45 kg of weight every week.
What is the daily requirement of calories for the body? The average daily caloric intake of a few participants, determined from variables like age, gender, and degree of exercise, is shown below.


For moderately active women aged 26 to 50, 2,000 calories a day are needed to maintain their weight. These women need to cut down their daily calorie consumption to 1,500 in order to shed 0.45 kg of weight per week. For women who exercise frequently, walking 5 km a day should provide them with roughly 2,200 calories to maintain their weight. You must cut your daily calorie consumption to 1,700 if you hope to shed 0.45 kg of weight per week. In order to maintain weight, young women in their 20s have higher calorie needs, requiring roughly 2,200 calories per day. Conversely, moderately active women over 50 only require 1,800 calories a day to maintain their weight. Women over 50 should limit their daily energy consumption to 1,300 calories in order to lose weight. Due to their higher calorie requirements, women who are pregnant or nursing should not use these calorie estimates.


What is the daily requirement of calories for the body? Men who are moderately active between the ages of 26 and 45 require 2,600 calories per day to maintain their weight. Your weekly weight loss goal is to drop 0.45 kg of weight, which means you must consume 2,100 calories less per day. Men who walk five kilometres a day and exercise regularly require between 2,800 and 3,000 calories. Your weekly weight loss goal should be around 0.45 kg, thus you should cut down on your daily energy intake to 2,300–2,500 calories. Teens between the ages of 19 and 25 have rather high energy needs; on average, they require 2,800 calories per day to maintain their weight. A person who exercises frequently may require up to 3,000 calories per day. What is the daily calorie need for weight loss? These young adults should cut back on their daily calorie consumption to 2,300–2,500 in order to shed 0.45 kg of weight per week. Men's energy requirements decline with age. Men who are moderately active require 2,400 calories per day on average between the ages of 46 and 65. The daily calorie requirement for men over 66 is reduced to 2,200.


Children's calorie requirements vary greatly depending on their age, weight, and degree of activity. On average, toddlers require 1,200–1,400 calories per day. A moderately active adolescent requires 2,000–2,800 calories. Adolescents that are active consume more calories.

How can I consume fewer calories?

Reducing your daily food intake can help you lose weight for some people, but not for others. The majority of people will experience hunger and ultimately revert to their previous eating patterns. You should adopt eating habits that are long-lasting and low-effort in order to efficiently reduce weight. Several of the following strategies are widely used and have been shown to be successful in helping people lose weight.

Consume a lot of protein

Adding more protein to your diet is an easy yet very powerful weight loss strategy. Protein helps you feel satisfied for longer by lowering hunger and speeding up metabolism. This aids in naturally lowering calorie intake. Protein also takes more energy to metabolise than fat or carbs, thus consuming a diet heavy in protein will burn an extra 80–100 calories each day.

Avoid using sugary drinks

Sugar-filled beverages have a substantial correlation with an increased risk of obesity, according to studies. One serving of sugary drinks per day can raise a child's risk of obesity by as much as 60%, according to research.
In order to properly lose weight, you should limit your intake of sugary beverages such milk, chocolate, juices, soft drinks, and so on. Not only can sugar lead to weight gain, but it also adversely impacts metabolism and raises the chance of harmful illnesses like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleeplessness, depression, and other conditions.

Ensure you consume plenty of water

Making lots of water your daily drink is the easiest way to lose weight. Water consumption boosts the amount of calories burned, according to studies. You can burn an additional 96 calories every day if you drink two litres of water.
Water consumption timing is also significant; drinking water just before a meal reduces feelings of hunger and helps you eat less. In a 12-week trial, 44% of participants reported that they lost weight when they drank 0.5 litres of water before meals.


Q1 : How many calories should I be eating a day if I want to lose weight?
A :  You need to consume about 1,500 calories a day in order to shed one pound of weight every week. In order to maintain their weight, active women who walk more than three miles a day must consume at least 2,200 calories. In order to shed one pound of weight every week, your daily caloric intake should be around 1,700.
Q2 : How can I burn 500 calories a day?A : 500 calories can be burned in around 45 minutes by running 6 mi (9.7 km) per hour, or 10 minutes for 1 mi (1.6 km). Running at a pace of 8 mi (13 km/h) is required to cut this time down to 30 minutes. You can reduce the duration even further, to about 25 minutes, by running interval sprints.
Q3 : 
Which exercise burns most calories?
A : 
Running burns the most calories, according to Healthline. An adult weighing 155 pounds may burn just over 800 calories an hour doing this tried-and-true activity that only needs your legs and an open road.