Best exercise to lose belly fat | Workouts to lose belly fat

It's acceptable to have some fat around your tummy since fat keeps your body warm and protected. But as you age, the accumulation of belly fat around the waist becomes more typical.

Including exercise in your regular routine is an excellent strategy to burn off excess belly fat. We've put up a list with the top 7 workouts that burn belly fat for people of all skill levels.

Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat burning can be accomplished with work, commitment, and a combination of healthy diet and exercise. Selecting a variety of exercises that combine cardio, strength, and core will help you stay motivated and on track to reach your goals. Belly fat reduction is essential for overall health and will improve both wellbeing and fitness.

A healthy diet is crucial for reducing visceral belly fat. Losing belly fat can be greatly impacted by making minor dietary adjustments or starting an OPTIFAST weight reduction regimen with nutritional meal replacement products.

Increasing your consumption of soluble fibre will help you feel fuller for longer periods of time and assist to control bowel motions. Consuming a lot of protein might also help you gain more muscle build and strength and lessen cravings.

Find an OPTIFAST diet plan with multiple alternatives to suit your individual lifestyle and weight loss objectives to help you get started on the right track. A variety of nutrient-dense meal replacement options are available, such as calorie-conscious shakes, soups, desserts, and bars.

7 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

1. Cardio

You can lose belly fat by include at least thirty minutes of aerobic activity in your daily regimen. Making sure the workout you are doing is something you enjoy will help you stay motivated and will make you look forward to working out.

Whether you choose to work out alone or with a group, there are many different cardio exercises you may do. Walking, running, swimming, and cycling are a few excellent choices.

2. Resistance Training

Exercises using resistance bands to burn belly fat include tricep kick-backs, lunges, squats, and bicep curls, among many others. Building muscle through resistance training is crucial because, at rest, muscle burns more calories than fat. Additionally, it will aid in muscle toning, which will reduce belly fat and give you a more refined appearance.

3. Step Back Burpees

How to: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and lower to squat position. Lean forward and place hands on the floor outside of your feet. Step your feet back so you are in a high plank position. Step your feet back in towards the outside of your hands and explosively jump upward with your arms above your head. As your fitness level increases, you can jump your feet back into the plank position instead of stepping. Burpees: Work your core, chest, shoulders, and quads. The explosive movement helps to get your heart pumping and burn calories.

4. Plank

Targeting the belly fat that adheres to the waistline, abdominal exercises help to tone and flatten the stomach.

How to: Begin on all fours, placing your hands just beneath your shoulders. Subsequently, droop your chest and plant your forearms on the floor, elbows positioned squarely beneath your shoulders. Stretch your legs backward one foot at a time, making sure your feet are hip-width apart. Maintain a straight back and make sure your pelvis is in alignment with your body. For 30 to 60 seconds, maintain this posture.

5. High Knees

Elevated knees are ideal for increasing cardiovascular endurance, strengthening core muscles, and burning calories.

How to:
March on the spot, one leg at a time, raising your knees as high as you can towards your chest while keeping your feet hip-width apart. To intensify the movement, repeat the process at a faster pace.

6. Russian Twists

Oblique and core strength are enhanced by this core exercise. usually done with a weight—such as a plate or medicine ball—but you may also do it without an object by clenching your hands together.

How to: Take a tall seat on the floor, bending at the knees, with your feet flat. Hold a medicine ball, or other object of your choice, at chest height in your hands. With your arms held at a 45-degree angle and a few inches away from your chest, lean backwards. Next, rotate your body to the right, stop, and then rotate it to the left and repeat.

7. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are great at developing their agility and core strength. To assist target belly fat, you can perform this exercise slowly and deliberately. Alternatively, you can choose to increase the intensity by completing the action at a faster pace.

How to: Place your hands directly under your shoulders and begin in the high plank posture. Make sure to draw your belly button in towards your spine and strain your stomach. After bringing your right leg up to your chest, assume a plank stance again. Next, bring your left knee up to your chest and do it again.

8. Sprawls

The sprawl is a full-body workout that targets all of your muscles, burns calories, and shapes and tones your upper and lower body, especially your abs. Think of it as a burpee on steroids. "By having you touch your chest to the ground, then push-up to plank as you continue the move, it takes the traditional burpee to a new level," says Braganza.

Stretching is as simple as standing with your feet shoulder-distance apart, crouching, and placing your hands on the floor. Leap backwards to land on a plank, then bring your body down to the floor. Step your feet outside of your hands to form a squat after pushing yourself up to a plank. Get back up on your feet. That amounts to one rep. Braganza continues, "If you want to burn even more calories, add a jump between each sprawl."

While you're trying to lose weight, these workouts for burning belly fat are ideal because they'll help you become more fit and healthy overall. Check out our weight management products and blog for more guidance and expert recommendations to help you reach your weight loss objectives and stay on track.